Infantry life sees us get 'spending money' in our account each month. Cheers easy. But many of us need to develop better Money Drills (Money is like a 51mm Mortar, it needs drills but most just 'cuff it' so it goes bang & badly so!)
- Intel brief: UK Veterans many links about money are on this comprehensive page here.
- Build your 'quick attack' via the excellent fast online the RBL Money Fit Challenge for veterans.
- UKAF Pensions and Compensation is explained on video here for you.
- Benefits - you served your nation and paid tax so do a pre-patrol check on the independent Benefits Calculator.
- Good general tips on saving over £1000 a year by the respected, independent Which Video here.
- UKAF Veterans' Discount Card is available - register here.
- Ask at your branch or Ambush from other Tigers before committing to any deal - check it out with your mates.
The PWRR Assoc can not vouch for any advice given on these sites but signposts them for your interest and info.